Done. %.0f at %.2f%%. %.0f is alot of money. Make sure you don't spend it all in one place. And make sure you make your %.2f%% interest payments. We were about to turn you down, but then you might come back in here, and we couldn't bear that thought. We will give you a loan for %.0f at %.2f%%. Well I wish I could have turned you down. I always feel better when I can ruin someone's life. But the boss says you get %.0f at %.2f%%. I am most appreciative of the opportunity to serve you. (retch, puke) You are granted %.0f at %.2f%%. How could we say no to breath like yours. Here is %.0f at %.2f%%. We like your face. (gasp, barf.) We will give you %.0f at %.2f%% if you will just take your money and get out of here. How does %.0f sound? Good? I'm glad you approve. Oh yes. The bad news is that you have to pay %.2f%% interest. As much as we would have liked to turn you down, we couldn't find any good reason. Your loan is %.0f at %.2f%%. After much thought and deliberation, we could not find any good reason not to give you %.0f at %.2f%%. We'll get you next time deadbeat. This time you get %.0f at %.2f%%.. Lucky break for you! %.0f at %.2f%% is not a bad deal, considering. Big deal, so you've got the credit for %.0f. But can you afford %.2f%% interest. Ha ha ha ha ha. It would appear that you have sufficient collateral for a loan of %.0f at %.2f%%. OK, you get the loan. %.0f at %.2f%%.